As well as Format Festival, I attended the Photography Show held at the NEC. It was a fantastic event, focusing on the technical side and equipment. A huge selection of stands were there selling their latest gadgets, books, cameras, inventions and much more. The dominant focus of the Photography Show normally switches year to year, with last year seeing a huge section cordened off for drones, but after what has happened in the past 12 months regarding drones, most notably the incident at Gatwick Airport, the shift this year focused heavily on photobooks and albums. I managed to pick myself up a copy of renowned photographer Alec Soth's new book I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating (2019). The array of photobooks on display allowed me to see not only what was out there already but what I could use if I were to set up my own photography business.
Another interesting part for me was the Student Awards branch of the AOP (Association of Photographers) which showcases the best in terms of graduate photographers. I have entered into the awards tonight. There are 3 seperate categories one can enter into: People, Places or Things. I have submitted into the 'Places' category and have selected my Ripon Cathedral image from my graduate body of work 'The Best Seat in the House'.
The Photography Show (2019) The Photography Show (2019) The Photography Show (2019) The Photography Show (2019)